On Wednesday the first battle was ended during a sneak attack. The GOP broke the Open Meetings Law, which states
“Every meeting of a governmental body shall be preceded by public notice as provided and shall be held in open session. At any meeting of a governmental body, all discussion shall be held and all action of any kind, formal or informal, shall be initiated, deliberated upon and acted upon only in open session”
“Public notice of every meeting of a governmental body shall be given at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of such meeting unless for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical, in which case shorter notice may be given, but in no case may the notice be provided less than 2 hours in advance of the meeting”
Is this the definition of Democracy? To break laws to push through an agenda that was shot down by the public. This is the same agenda that was not mentioned when they were running for office. What was proven by doing this? To the average working class American it shows that absolute power corrupts absolutely. These Wisconsin politicians ignored the public, the people who elected them and eliminated collective bargaining from the workers. They claimed all along the reason they wanted to eliminate collective bargaining was totally fiscal. That the only way they can balance a budget with a deficit like Wisconsin was if workers no longer could negotiate. Yet in order to be able to call a quorum everything fiscal had to be removed from the bill. This proves what Walker and his cronies have been saying for the past month was a lie. That this was not a fiscal issue, because if it was they Wisconsin Senate would not have been able to vote on it with only 19 members.
This Budget Repair Bill was nothing more than a bill set to destroy the Unions the last watchdog for the working class. Unfortunately for the Corporate Swine that funded the politicians that passed this bill, this helped revitalize them. For years the working class was sitting back watching the wealth get distributed in an uneven manner. The Millionaires became Billionaires, while the working class got poorer. The cost of living rose while salaries dipped or stay the same. This Bill helped bring to light just how much power one small group of people want. They asked for concessions and the taxpaying union members agreed. The workers saw that there was a fiscal crisis and were ready to give back in order to help solve it. That wasn’t enough, the GOP and the special interests they represented wanted more. They wanted to end collective bargaining thus stripping the Unions of their fundamental right. Now the Tea-Baggers and Neo-Cons would want you to believe that this is not a right or a freedom for the people. However their hero, their inspiration President Ronald Reagan would disagree. Here is a quote from the Gipper on Labor Day 1980.
“Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost”
He was talking about the breaking of right of collective bargaining and unions in Poland at the time a tyrannical Communist country. I find it ironic that these tea-baggers that call me a socialist because I want to work for a living wage are doing the exact same thing a Communist Regime did 30 years ago. When they are comminting the same acts of the Eastern Block Communist Nations. They are going out and as in the words of their inspiration taking away freedom from the American people.
While the tea-baggers and neo cons sit there and pat themselves on the back for a job well done; proud of themselves for taking away freedoms from the taxpaying workers of Wisconsin . The war still goes on, a quick history lesson the South won a few battles in the Civil War before the Union ultimately won the war. The power is in the numbers, we the people, the workers have the numbers. We need to keep raising our voices and getting the message out there that we are not defeated. If anything this attack on the worker makes our resolve even stronger. That labor isn’t going anywhere and those politicians that voted to break us will be gone much faster. Right now in Wisconsin a new movement is started by the citizens to recall the elected officials who went against the best interest of the public in voting to break the people. The officials that lied to get their agendas to give more money to big business while taking it away from you the “little people” need to be stopped. We as a nation need to support this cause. We need to stand up for ourselves and quit letting the billionaires control our own American Dream. The only way we can do that is to hold the people we elect accountable for their actions. To let them know that we will no longer allow them to be slaves to the special interests. That there is only one special interest group that should matter and that group is “We the People”
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